Virtual Reality in Adult Education

Virtual Reality in education is a growing trend - but it is not always easy to get the foot into the door and understand how this innovative medium can be integrated in adult education settings.

The Viral Skills project has developed a comprehensive suite of products that support adult educators in getting an overview what kind of VR hardware would be most suitable to their contexts and which free VR apps are on the market right now and can be utilised in an educational context.

The VR Digest provides a technical overview and is available in English. Download it here for free!

The Viral Skills compendium is a comprehensive handbook for adult educators and includes the E-Thek, which includes the in-depth analysis of 25 free VR software applications suitable for educational settings. Download it here for free!

The Viral Skills Training Programme offers a 10-day curriculum and training materials, addressed to adult education professionals. Download it here for free!

For more information, visit our website or contact us at!