E.N.T.E.R. Management

This networking platform is maintained by the E.N.T.E.R. GmbH.

What is E.N.T.E.R.?

E.N.T.E.R. is a versatile and highly motivated networking company, specialising in the dissemination and implementation of EU projects. We are located in Graz, Austria, but we work on an international level. Our team participates in several EU projects and manages this networking platform.

E.N.T.E.R. as EU Project Partner

As a professional partner in EU projects, we use our expertise acquired in over 15 years to support our partners in marketing, promoting and disseminating EU projects and their results. By exploiting our national and international network, we reach up to 1200 persons and interested parties.

We understand every aspect of the way:
From formulating a project idea over the actual project management to exploiting available project results on a large scale.

  • Erasmus+, JUSTICE and Horizon2020
  • research & development of materials
  • teaching and learning activities
  • project management and documentation

E.N.T.E.R. Team at your service

Dr. Georg Müllner, MA

Dr. Michael Schwaiger

Mag. Dominika Stiger, MA

Carina Posch, MA (prev. Maas)

Maria Zlanabitnig, BEd MA