The Mindfulness-in-Nature Based Training through Virtual ENvironments (MINDLIVEN) project aims to provide an innovative solution for effective coping and stress reduction at work environment.
Stress at work it’s more than a trend. The stress costs at work environment in European countries has been highlighted by several institutions and researchers. Among the stress costs, we can find productivity related losses, as well as health care and medical costs. European countries have directives and laws about stress assessment and consider stress prevention as a duty of organisations. But, it is also a matter of ethics: “do no harm” to others. In the workplace, this means ensuring employees’ health and prevent stress at work, which represents several benefits for companies.
Building on existing research, project’s consrtium have identified a set of needs in terms of preventing and addressing work place stress, leading to the development of a set of MiNBP contents supported by an online MiNBP platform with training that aim to develop competences to cope with stress and practice mindfulness, using the latest techniques in gamification, complemented by a set of practical tools and resources to facilitate the transfer of learning into the workplace.
The project target group:
- Employees and owners/managers of SMEs as end users and main beneficiaries;
- VET trainers, HR and Health & Safety consultants;
- Professional associations in the area of HR and Health & Safety,
- Health decision makers and governmental entities at regional, national and European levels
The main results of the MINDLIVEN project:
O1 – MINDLIVEN MiNBP standards
O2 – MINDLIVEN Online MiNBP Platform
O3 – MINDLIVEN Policy Report.
The MINDLIVEN project consortium:
- Universita Degli Studi di Verona (UNIVR), ITALY (Leader)
- ISCTE – Instituto Universitario de Lisboa (ISCTE), Portugal
- Universidad de Sevilla (USE), Spain
- Virtual Campus LDA (VC), Portugal
- Creative Thinking Development (CRETHIDEV), Greece
- Fundacja Malopolska Izba Samorzadowa (MIS Foundation), Poland
- Unione Territoriale Sindacale CISL VIC (CISL), Italy
The MINDLIVEN website: