I-Read project aims to develop and boost basic literacy skills of adults, targeting low educated women.

Specific objectives are:

Ø improving social integration and life chances of women with no basic literacy skills;

Ø developing and transferring an innovative tool for basic literacy skills to organizations and NGOs that support skills development among low-educated women;

supporting the activity of NGOs for women that are active at local level, rural areas and among disadvantaged groups.

I-Read project will involve as participants persons from target groups:

-60 ILLITERATE WOMEN, from disadvantaged groups such as Roma, migrants;

-40 MENTORS who will support illiterate women to achieve basic literacy)

-20 experts in adult education, IT application for learning/training, mentoring.

i-Read project will develop 2 INTELLECTUAL OUTPUTS:

1.Learnable Reading Tool – LRT an innovative approach for teaching reading skills, for those who will learn “basic literacy” via smartphones, only watching and listening avatars and learning the alphabet and 25-50 basic phrases for daily life.

  1. Handbook for mentors, for those who will assist literacy learners (who may be family members, friends) and who can read/write; and are willing to help the learner;

The direct impact of i-Read project will consist in reducing the number of illiterate women in communities with the risk of marginalization, while the spillover effects resulting from the good example of results achieved by participants that will raise the number of literate women in closed communities.