Green VET Choices

VET professions offer rich opportunities for individuals interested in green technologies, green entrepreneurship, green social business and related environmentally-conscious industries. These professions and career paths play a key role in the pursuit of a healthier environment and green growth in European economies. The Green VET Choices project sees its central objective in developing a way to combine green VET with the fight against climate change by increasing the attractiveness and awareness of environmentally-friendly VET career options and fostering required green & digital skills and competences.


Aim & Objectives

The Green VET Choices project wants to raise awareness for urgent environmental challenges and, at the same time, foster interest in green VET careers.


  • Environment and fight against climate change as the central theme of the project, permeating all project activities as a guiding thread.
  • Increasing attractiveness of VET by showing promising, meaningful and future-oriented possibilities to current and future
    VET learners.
  • Contributing to innovation in vocational education and training by introducing new and exciting learning and teaching
    approaches through the projects’ Virtual Portal and Digital Model, which are all available online as OER.