Furnicert is an Erasmus+ project to teach people vocational languages for the furniture sector through an e-learning tool and to develop new competences in furniture in English.

Under the framework of the project, four Project Results will be developed such as:

Under the framework of FURNICERT, four Project Results will be developed:

Furniture Language Course

The goal of the output is to develop a language course for furniture in English with content for furniture based on CLIL methodology using furniture knowledge. The goal is to develop a language course in English with content for furniture based on CLIL methodology using the furniture industry.

E-learning for furniture

The aim of this output is to develop an online course on the e-learning platform and create an E-learning FURNITURE platform tailor-made for the project to support digital and distance teaching and learning. The E-learning platform will be equipped with gamified elements to increase raise the engagement of learners.

Certification procedure

This project result is connected to the official certification of individuals – workers in the furniture sector led by UNICERT S.A., which is an accredited certification body. In this project result, UNICERT S.A. will develop a certification framework that will outline the gained knowledge who will participate in the project and will undertake the certification progress.

Creative workshops on digital and inclusive furniture language learning

Two workshops will be carried out by each partner: one for teachers (5-7 teachers in each partner’s country) and another one for furniture staff of the furniture sector(the language learning for furniture with 5-7 participants in each partner’s country).

This Erasmus+ initiative will contribute to upskilling and reskilling of managers and workers in the furniture sector, as well as language teachers, increasing learning opportunities and work mobilities.

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