
Design4Circle aims to cover the skill gaps in eco-innovation of European Designers in textile and fashion products. Design4Circle will allow designers from the textile sector sectors to reduce environmental impact during the products life-cycle, and develop new and innovative businesses within the principles of circular economy.

Design4Circle has for objective to create an innovative learning curriculum in line with the needs of designers of the textile and fashion industry towards a circular business model, being the main target group current and future fashion designers of the textile industry.

Access the e-learning platform and the training course here.

The following specific objectives were defined in the Design4Circle project:

  • 1. Identify needs and last resources available for eco-design in the textile sector towards a circular model and current best practices on circular businesses.
  • 2. Design and develop a Joint Curriculum (JCV) on eco-design and circular entrepreneurship with the participation ofc organisations with different profiles.
  • 3. Deliver the JCV on e-learning OER Platform.
  • 4. Break borderlines among business textile sector and experts in eco-design and circular economy.
  • 5. Prepare European textile designers with the right skills and knowledge for eco-design in a circular model. It will be performed by promoting better anticipation of green and creativity skills needs and developing better matching between skills and companies needs.
  • 6. Create new job opportunities for people with skills in the new area of eco-design, and promoting eco-efficient materials.
  • 7. Boost new businesses in the textile sector fulfilling the principles of the circular economy.

Innovation in training in new trends is rarely achieved in isolation. The added value of carrying out the project with partners from several European countries (Latvia, Portugal, Romania, Belgium, Spain and North Macedonia) is evident, since one of the objectives of the project is to define an harmonised European JCV and to draft training recommendations that can be adopted by training institutions in all EU countries.