3L Mindset

The European Comission “Action plan on Integration and Inclusion 2021-2027” states that, however improvement has been made over the past years, there are still challenges in relation to employment and education and to the social inclusion of migrants which demonstrates that additional action is needed. Overall EU unemployment is almost 10% higher amongst immigrants when compared to the native population. Apart from that, where less than 20% of native workers are low skilled, in the case of immigrants, this number almost doubles. Immigrants also face a much higher risk of poverty and social exclusion.

Thus, lifelong learning and active ageing are an important pillar in the inclusion process of immigrant adults. But especially these people often have a low level of education and it is also very difficult for them to re-enter the education system when they are in adult life. In addition, many educational offers are addressed to learners with a higher level of qualification which results in more education for more educated people and exclusion of less qualified people.

In the 3L Mindset project, we therefore want to revert this trend and change the low-skilled immigrant’s mindset when it comes to lifelong learning, but also to train trainers to adapt their teaching methodology to the (emotional) needs of these students as well as the educational institutions to adapt their course profile.

We are 5 partner organisations working together to reach these objectives:

  • bit schulungscenter (Austria)
  • Babel Idiomas (Spain)
  • Indepcie (Spain)
  • Eurospeak (Ireland)
  • Ljudska univerza Velenje (Slovenia)


To support teachers and trainers in adapting their existing courses and teaching/learning materials and to help learners in developing a growth mindset, the following results are created:

  • Policy Report that highlights the situation of these adult learners and gives recommendations for educational institution relating lifelong learning of these people
  • Information Booklet with guidelines, tips and templates on how to facilitate engagement of low skilled immigrant adults in adult education
  • Online Self-Learning Program for trainers to learn about how to teach and motivate these adult learners
  • Practical Guide on how to adapt an existing course curriculum and materials according to the needs of this target group
  • Coaching Toolbox with activities and tools that enhance the learning experience and help changing the mindset towards participation in adult education amongst lower skilled immigrants
  • Youtube Channel containing videos that cover a series of true stories of low skilled immigrants and their experiences in lifelong learning

By working on these outcomes, we want to contribute to an inclusion of adults with a lower level of qualification, especially of those with a migrant background, around Europe.