Tamkeen is specialized and experienced in developing, improving and disseminating development methodologies in the field of youth and community development with an ultimate objective to qualify youth by providing them with the skills, know-how and aptitudes, as well as contribute in building the capacity of governmental and non-governmental youth-serving organizations.
Tamkeen primary concern is to create and tailor up-to-date and high-quality development methodologies, research tools, applicable practices of youth development and training delivery models. Our role is to provide youth with direct access to unconditional participation by providing them with practical tools and models for developing community-wide initiatives.
Realizing this dream requires creating and tailoring special educational curriculum, pre-service trainings and seminars, on the job trainings, local and national accredited systems and programs as well as mentoring programs to offer to all people of interest. This in turn leads to the development of the different sectors and spheres be them social, economic, cultural, or health related, etc… in Egypt in a manner that complies with our cultures and traditions.