
LebensGroß accompanies people in different life situations. We are there for people of all ages, people with and without disabilities, young people, people with barriers in the labour market, people with mental illness, refugees and many more. We are a loud voice for people who experience disadvantage and offer services in different settings: in residential facilities, in the context of work projects, in counselling centres, with many leisure activities, in the context of mobile service provision and through training opportunities.

We offer services for people with and without disabilities, for young people, families, people with mental illnesses, people with obstacles in the labour market and refugees.

Around 1,400 employees work at LebensGroß supporting some 4,500 people. We are a voice that shouts aloud for people who experience disadvantage. At LebensGroß support is provided for people of all ages in a range of facilities. These include:

  • Residential facilities
  • Work projects
  • Counselling centres
  • Leisure opportunities
  • Mobile services
  • Training opportunities