Budakov Films Ltd

Budakov Films EOOD, a company which is registered in Sofia, Bulgaria with a VAT Number: BG 175349928 and PIC 907145456 and it also active in Germany and Luxembourg.
The company was established in 2007 by its founder – Dr. Petyo Budakov, while he was studying his master degree at the New Bulgarian University. Budakov Films EOOD is a digital creative studio, passionate about creativity and design of learning experience. Our vision is to create memorable brand identity and also to share our professional experience with like-minded people by delivering training programs that meet their exact needs. With passion and expertise in multimedia productions and development of digital learning technologies, we help companies and academic institutions to empower their visual brand identity as well as rethinking education models and bring innovative digital learning technologies to life.

Since 2015 our company developed a spin-off project called Adacademy – an e-learning and blended learning vocational training school which aims to deliver high quality e-learning courses in the CCI. Our curriculum reflects the professional aspects of the cultural and creative industry which aims to develop a network of like-minded people who have different level of expertise in the field.
However, our organization specializes in developing educational strategies in a way that meet the needs of the learners and personalize the learning experience, as well as producing engaging digital learning content focused on the professionals involved in the cultural and creative sector. Our mission is to encourage students learning both collaboratively and individually by using the latest digital learning tools in order to develop their projects into a competitive portfolio that demonstrates their strong expertise.
Furthermore, Budakov Films is a full-service creative studio who specialise in multimedia production.
We help companies to set up their powerful and memorable brand identity in order to stand out from their competitors. Our enterprise investigates in depth the design preferences of our clients in order to drive a sensory interaction with your customers and affect their satisfaction and loyalty. In addition, we explore what visual corporate identity our client competitors have already employed in order to establish their unique tone of voice.
We use visually appealing content to teach, inspire and drive real changes. Based on the notion that learners obtain knowledge more effectively when they are engaged, we are developing dynamic and attractive training resources, by using the latest design technologies.
In addition, the training resources we produce contain all of the elements of communication which makes it much more effective than other mediums for training.
Budakov Films empowers educators in the creative and cultural sector to deliver stunning digital learning innovations that lead to better learning experience, by executing the following activities:
• Outlining the learner motivational beliefs;
• Defining the right pedagogic approach;
• Drawing a Courseware Development Guideline;
• Producing learning resources, e.g. lectures and multimedia instructional movies;
• Design of a student online examination that validate their knowledge and skills;
• Development of Quality standards for assessing the effectiveness of the learning process;
• Track the learner progress and engagement throughout their learning path;
Our company develops tailored-designed Moodle-based learning management systems (LMS), which secure learners with quick and instant access to all digital training resources and facilitates the creation of online community of like-minded people such as: designers, artists, film makers, actor, musicians, filmmakers and other performers.
Moreover, Budakov Films aims to fill the gap between the higher education and the labour market by enabling companies to translate their challenges into creative briefs. By posting their tasks in the LMS, the gap between prospective employees and learners will be significantly narrowed and thus, minimize the recruitment through job portals where candidates are not pre-filtered.