ASSERTED KNOWLEDGE (AKNOW) is a technical implementation and staff sourcing company providing highly skilled ICT services and staff to organisations. AKNOW’s consultants have many years of commercial experience supporting large, multinational ICT integrators, such as European Dynamics, INTRASOFT International, TRASYS, Munich Re and others. In the context of the service provision they have executed numerous missions to various agencies of the Commission, such as:

– Publications Office (OPOCE) in Luxembourg

– Office for the Harmonization of the Internal Market (EUIPO) in Alicante/Spain

– Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DG CONNECT) in Brussels/Belgium

– European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) in Helsinki/Finland

– European Railway Agency (ERA) in Valenciennes/France

–  European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) in Frankfurt/Germany


AKNOW has 2 managing partners and a pool of highly skilled ICT consultants, researchers and developers numbering 12 individuals, of which 5 are permanent staff members.


Our current activities are focused on:

  • E&M Learning: Training through innovative methodologies for e&m learning.
  • Personalised Training: Personalised training approaches utilising opinion mining, sentiment analysis and augmented reality technologies.
  • Informal Learning: Informal learning through the creation of dynamic online communities to empower community learning by matching desire to learn with passion to teach.
  • Knowledge Dissemination: Knowledge Dissemination though the development and application of the integrated strategic communication process supported by targeted online and offline activities.
  • Serious Games: Promotion of Serious Games in Lifelong Learning through the utilisation of serious games for the advancement of key competencies.
  • Exploitation by Design: Sustainable project results through introduction of sustainability requirements in the early stages of design and exploitation resulting from targeting public and commercial opportunities throughout project life.
  • Continuous Improvement: Quality assurance methodologies and tools focused on targeted quality metrics and best practices/lessons learned programmes.