DisABILITIES Civic LAB” (Online Compendium)

Within the transnational project ERASMUS+ "disABILITIES Beyond Limits - Empowering young women to build a better future" was developed ”DisABILITIES Civic LAB” as an online compendium with scenarios build by young women with disabilities (YWwD) in national workshops organized in Romania, Greece and Spain.


Compedium has 2 main parts:

a) 14 scenarios build by YWwD as ways of solving problems, identified in the community they belong to.

b) apart from these scenarios based on the real obstacles/problems of YWwD, the compendium also contains the practical guidelines for practitioners: what means a scenario, how to build one, what elements to include, what techniques can be used, tips to increase the level of involvement of young people in the construction of a scenario.


In this way, the possible users of compendium will find both specific scenarios, build on real problems, as well as useful guidance and tools to increase applicative&inclusive level of learning environments for YWwD.


The Compendium is in English and translated into Romanian, Greek and Spanish; it can be accessed for free by any person/organization, here: https://beyond.far.ngo/WP-3-en/

It can also be used and adapted, depending on own needs.